Transition from four wheels to two

The transition has begun, the training wheels have been moved up from firmly planted on the ground to hovering about an inch above, and I am getting a workout!

Morgan has never been in love with her bike. I can remember as a child loving mine. I was on it everyday and couldn’t wait to ride with no training wheels – I especially couldn’t wait until I graduated to an adult bike. I’m not sure that they had youth bikes when I was a kid; now, I am fairly certain it’s a ploy to convince the consumer to buy another bike.

Back to the subject, Morgan’s ambivalence about her bike. Being such a bike kid I never understood her reluctance and doubted she would ever graduate from training wheels.

As usual, I realized I was obsessing over something that would soon work itself out. The other kids in the neighborhood are removing their training wheels and Morgan wants to do the same. She practices more now, wants to go on longer rides and seems to be gaining balance and confidence.

The other day I had her out on a two-wheeler and I was running beside her only holding onto her seat as she began to balance. I never let go, but within a few weeks I am sure I will have to. In that moment I will be nostalgic. I love the pompoms, fairy, water bottle, sparkling with accessories bike she has doted over for the past two years.

While moving on to the next stage is healthy and a sign that my little one is developing, I am scared I am losing my baby. So here I sit, on the edge of my seat, as she wobbles and turns, bandages in hand with my heart racing – cheering her on.

Who else has felt they were losing their baby? What was the transition like for your child? Is there another moment when you felt that your preschooler became a kid?

15 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Perfecting Motherhood
    Mar 02, 2012 @ 20:34:01

    Let me give you the advice we got when my husband signed up my son for this type of class, so you can save money and hassle.
    1) Bring the seat all the way down
    2) Remove the pedals
    3) Have your child go down a gentle slope over and over to practice their balance
    4) When she’s got it, put the pedals back on

    My son was done in half a day and needed a little more practice after that, but it works really well.

    I hear you about losing your baby but I’ll also see my boys as my babies, no matter how old. I LOVE watching them grow up, develop, get better at things and acquire new skills (e.g. reading). This is my most favorite part about motherhood!


  2. pouringperfume
    Mar 01, 2012 @ 10:46:16

    I know you didn’t ask for bike advice per se – but once they were ready – a really quick way I got 2 of mine up onto 2 wheels was practicing riding down gentle, sloping, grassy hills. The gentle hill gave them enough momentum to not worry about pedaling and just practice balance. And the grass helped cushion their falls. And yes, I’m always struggling with the growing up stuff! πŸ™‚


  3. KL
    Feb 29, 2012 @ 20:20:50

    We are opposite… we have a child who kept reaching milestones before we were either ready or expecting it! Our son went from training wheels to two wheels at the tender age of 3 years old! He had only just turned 3 and he insisted one day that we take “these annoying wheels off because bikes only have two wheels!” My husband ran alongside for one go as we expected him to realise what he was asking and have us put them straight back on. Nope. Off he went and started riding! He’s six now, and has such good control over his bike, he has never actually had a bad crash to get grazed knees! He is of course covered in bruises and grazes from simply trying to walk places though!


    • MamaMoo
      Feb 29, 2012 @ 20:48:01

      Two wheels at the age of three? He must have amazing balance and coordination, that’s awesome! I think if kids don’t have bruises and scrapes on their knees they must not be playing hard enough, right? lol


      • KL
        Mar 01, 2012 @ 19:14:48

        Absolutely right! Or their Mum’s don’t let them explore enough perhaps…? That’s my excuse for all his scrapes and I’m sticking it to!

  4. Seasonsgirl
    Feb 29, 2012 @ 17:37:12

    She is so cute on her bike πŸ™‚


  5. Anastasia
    Feb 29, 2012 @ 11:12:13

    So sweet. We didn’t have training wheels. We went directly from a tricycle to a bicycle and a unicycle within a few years of that. Lotsa scraped knees.


  6. orples
    Feb 29, 2012 @ 11:04:02

    Good luck getting Morgan off her bike, once she gains the confidence to do it herself. πŸ™‚ Expect a few boo boo’s along the way. 😦


    • MamaMoo
      Feb 29, 2012 @ 16:09:58

      Thanks for the heads up. I am already convinced that my girls will have band aids on their knees in their wedding dresses, they are so accident prone!


  7. travelladywithbaby
    Feb 29, 2012 @ 10:34:21

    Aww, all these milestones come with heartbreak and excitement at the same time.


  8. stonecoldsunshine
    Feb 29, 2012 @ 08:26:07

    I have never had a sense of “losing my baby”, but I definitely remember the worry about my kids reaching milestones such as this one “on time”! Every new developmental stage for my kids has been my “favorite age”. They are now 13 and 15, and they are the most fun people I know!


    • MamaMoo
      Feb 29, 2012 @ 10:50:05

      Yes those darn milestones! Stressing me out and giving me anxiety and then they always happen. Often out of the blue when they are ready, never my timing.


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